Monday, July 27, 2020

People Who Taught Dispensationalism BEFORE 1830

William Gouge (1575-1653): He taught that there were 6 dispensations. Adam to Noah; Noah to Abraham; Abraham to David; David to the Captivity; the Captivity to the Birth of Christ; the Birth of Christ to the White Throne Judgment. This system resembled the Roman Catholic system of Augustine. It left out the Mosaic Covenant, and spiritualized three-fourths of the Old Testament, teaching no restoration of Israel, and no Millennial Reign (Note: this is not accurate, there are 7 dispensations, but this is to show that the teaching of dispensationalism existed before 1830).

Pierre Poiret (1646-1719): He taught a Calvinistic Premillennial system with 7 dispensations in 6 different "volumes": The Oeconomy of the Creation; the Oeconomy of Sin; the Oeconomy of the Restoration; the Oeconom y of the Incarnation; the Oeconomy of the Cooperation of Man with the Operation of God, and the Oeconomy of Universal Providence. The 7th dispensation was a literal, 1000-year reign of Christ (Note: like the previous teaching, this is not accurate, but it shows that rightly dividing the bible into dispensations existed before 1830).

Isaac Watts (1674-1748): He taught 7 dispensations: The Dispensation of Innocency; the Dispensation of the Covenant of Grace; the Noahical Dispensation; the Abrahamical Dispensation, the Mosaical Dispensation, and the Christian Dispensation. (Note: like the other two, this is not accurate, he leaves out the time of Jacob's trouble and the 1000-year reign of Christ, but like the other two, it proves that dispensationalism has been taught before 1830).

Here are the correct 7 dispensations:

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