Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Racial Miscegenation Leads To Greater Risk Of Mental Health Problems In Children


Every sin leads to some kind of health problem, the serious sin of racial miscegenation leads to greater risk of mental health problems in children.

"Mixed Experiences – Growing Up Mixed Race: Mental health and wellbeing draws on first-hand accounts of people of mixed race background growing up in the UK. It finds that these children are at greater risk of experiencing mental health problems as a result of poor self-esteem and the experience of discrimination from both Black and White peers. It says that mixed race children can struggle to develop an identity for themselves with which they are comfortable and that schools often “do not understand their backgrounds”. The report states: “Unrealistic expectations from both teachers and other adults, that children of mixed race would be fully conversant with both sides of their cultural heritage, were reported by many of the participants.” Secondary school was identified as a difficult period for many participants, bringing as it did “heightened experiences of discrimination and racism from both peers and adults”. It also brought isolation as peer groups often form around ethnicity and culture, which can leave those of mixed race “on the outside”. The report adds: “School difficulties appear mainly in the secondary school years, and it is evident from other studies that there are very few services that offer mixed-race children and young people any special in-school support. “A strong message emerging from the experiences people describe is that children and young people of mixed race need to be acknowledged as such, provided with good role-models (possibly through the school curriculum) and afforded the opportunity to talk with others of mixed race if they feel the need.” The findings come at a time when the number of UK residents claiming mixed ethnicity is rising sharply. According to the 2011 census, the UK’s ethnic minority population has grown from nine to 14 per cent since 2001, with the number of mixed-race young people increasing substantially. The report’s co-author, Cathy Street said: “To develop support that is appropriate, relevant and robust, professionals working with children and young people of mixed race need to be aware of the particular risks to mental health and emotional wellbeing that may be present in the lives of these young people.”

Racially mixed children will have a low self esteem and will struggle to find an identity for themselves, this is because they have no identity, it’s unfortunate for them, their parents have bought into the Jesuit propaganda that racial miscegenation is ok and normal.

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Anti-White Racism At Temple University


The modern-day University system is a playground and fun-house for atheist communism/socialism, sodomite perversion, drugs, alcoholism, whoremongering, whoredom, feminism, anti-white racism, and other social leftist insanity.

"Are you “perplexed” by white people? Temple University sociologist Matt Wray may have the answers. Wray, a self-proclaimed “expert on whiteness,” is set to hold a forum at Dartmouth College on February 2 to figure out “What’s Up With White People?” The talk will be open to the public as Wray provides a “field guide” to learn about “the different types of white people and how you can learn to spot them in their natural habitats.” Wray says the event will offer “a sociological and cultural analysis of what produces and sustains” certain “white social types” such as President Donald Trump, transracial former NAACP leader Rachel Dolezal, white nationalist Richard Spencer, and left-wing social justice warriors. Are you “perplexed” by white people? Temple University sociologist Matt Wray may have the answers. Wray, a self-proclaimed “expert on whiteness,” is set to hold a forum at Dartmouth College on February 2 to figure out “What’s Up With White People?” The talk will be open to the public as Wray provides a “field guide” to learn about “the different types of white people and how you can learn to spot them in their natural habitats.” Wray says the event will offer “a sociological and cultural analysis of what produces and sustains” certain “white social types” such as President Donald Trump, transracial former NAACP leader Rachel Dolezal, white nationalist Richard Spencer, and left-wing social justice warriors. The talk will be open to the public as a “field guide” for learning about “the different types of white people and how you can learn to spot them in their natural habitats.” Wray’s presentation, first reported by the College Fix, is set to conclude with “observations about the implications of white self-differentiation for social issues like immigration, mass incarceration, and the growing epidemic of self-destruction among whites.”

These same social leftists will condemn racism, but yet spew out this kind of racism toward white people. These same atheist-socialist social leftist “educated” idiots profess themselves to be wise, but they are fools.

Romans 1:21-23“Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. 22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, 23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.”

This is why white bible-believers ought to stay away from the racist anti-white atheist-communist university system.

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