![Study Topic: The secret rapture - False hope for end-time ...](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.lcg.org%2Fsites%2Fdefault%2Ffiles%2Fbible-study%2Ffeatured-image%2Frapture.jpg&f=1&nofb=1)
Proof #1:
Romans 8:35-39 proves that NOTHING can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus, Romans 8:1 says there is NO condemnation for those who are in Jesus Christ. This is not the case in the Time of Jacob’s Trouble. According to Revelation 14:9-11, if ANY MAN takes the mark of the beast they will end up in the lake of fire and get God’s wrath. The rapture MUST happen before the Time of Jacob’s Trouble because a Christian could be separated from the love of God if they take the mark and therefore make God a liar in Romans 8.
Proof #2:
2 Thessalonians 2:6-8 says that somebody needs to be taken out of the way (the body of Christ) BEFORE the Antichrist shows up. In Revelation 5:8-9, we see Gentiles who were redeemed by Christ’s blood IN heaven BEFORE the Antichrist shows up in Revelation 6:2.
Proof #3:
1 Corinthians 6:11 says that CHRIST washes us in his blood. In Revelation 7:14, we see the saints in the Time of Jacob’s Trouble are themselves doing washing their own robes in the blood. If a Christian goes into the Time of Jacob’s Trouble, they will be required to wash their own robes in the blood contradicting what Paul wrote under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost in 1 Corinthians 6:11.
Proof #4
In Acts 9:1-5, Jesus proves that when Christians are part of the body of Christ almost in a literal sense. In Verse 1 to 3, Paul was on his way to Christians. In verse 4 Jesus asks Paul why is he is persecuting him (Jesus), Paul never persecuted Jesus Christ, but he was persecuting saved Christians (the body of Christ) and it was affecting Jesus in heaven. If Christians went into the time of Jacob’s trouble, considering that Jesus is the one opening the seals (Revelation 5:9-11) it would mean Jesus would be pouring out wrath on himself, because the body of Christ is still on earth.
Proof #5
In Genesis 18:22-25 & Genesis 19:18-22, God makes it clear that he CANNOT destroy Sodom and Gomorrah because a righteous man (Lot) was still there. God is just and cannot punish the righteous along with the wicked. If Christians went into the time of Jacob’s trouble, God would contradict his just nature by pouring out wrath on saved Christians along with the wicked lost world, thus making God unjust and contradicting what he made clear in Genesis 18:22-25 and Genesis 19:18-22.
Proof #6
Jesus called the Holy Spirit the comforter in John 14:16, John 14:26, John 15:16, and John 16:7. It’s not a comfort knowing that you are going to face the wrath of God for 7 years during the time of Jacob’s trouble. The Holy Spirit can’t comfort you by reminding you that you are going to go into the time of Jacob’s trouble and face God’s wrath.
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