Monday, August 16, 2021

The Dogma Of Rape In Islam


Much like the satanic paganistic cult known as Roman Catholicism (which has had a continual problem of legions of Catholic Priests getting busted for diddling little boys), the Arabian offshoot of Catholicism, known as Islam, also has a problem of pedophilia.

Islam was a product of Catholic Augustinian monks, and the Papacy intended to use Islam to persecute the Middle Eastern and North African Christians.

Both Islam and Catholicism are forms of ancient Baal-worship, and both satanic cults are un-Slavic and ungodly.

A good example of the blatant pedophilia dogma of Islam is the fact that Muhammad promised his followers hairless boys in paradise.

Another blatant example of the pedophilia dogma in Islam the “bacha bazi boys” of Afghanistan (Bacha Bazi means “boy play”).

More info from a pretty handy website called God Hates Islam:

Further info:

SIDENOTE: Bacha Bazi was outlawed and punishable by death when the Taliban ruled Afghanistan from 1996 until 2001, and the Taliban executed Afghans involved in Bacha Bazi.

Much like the filthy false religion of Talmudic Judaism and the filthy Talmud, the satanic cult of Islam has a dogma of pedophilia.

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