Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Study Finds That Mothers Prefer To Be At Home With Kids


Feminism is psychologically unhealthy for women.

A survey by Mother & Baby Magazine and Bupa questioned 2000 mothers and pregnant women (average age 30) and found that 81% would stay at home and with their children (if they could afford it).

Life site News:

A survey by Mother & Baby Magazine and Bupa questioned 2000 mothers and pregnant women (average age 30) and found that 81 per cent would stay at home and look after their children if they could afford it. 84 per cent, considered “a mother and a father”  ideal for bringing up a child, 90 per cent said motherhood had made them happier and 99 per cent felt a sense of pride and achievement.

It's natural for a woman to want to stay at home with her kids, that's how God made women, to be keepers at home (Titus 2:3-5).

Feminism has destroyed the family and lead to fornication, abortion, immodesty on women, adultery, and witchcraft.

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Incarceration Rates Is Higher Among Sodomites In The United States


The incarceration rates of sodomites is higher than the general population in America. That says a lot about the violent nature of sodomites.

A study by the Williams Institute found that the incarceration rates of lesbian, gay, and bisexual people is approximately 3 times higher than the already high general U.S. incarceration rate.

The study also found that Sexual minority men and women were significantly more likely to have spent time in disciplinary segregation or solitary confinement.

Read more: https://web.archive.org/web/20201117234344/https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5227944/pdf/AJPH.2016.303576.pdf

Further proof of the violent criminal nature of sodomites.

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Research Finds That Homosexuality Is More Dangerous Than Smoking


Homosexuality is completely unhealthy and unnatural and perverted.

Studies have shown that years of smoking can shorten the lifespan of the smoker from one to seven years.

An analysis of the death age in Norway and Denmark for sodomites who are married suggests that engaging in homosexual behaviour and sodomite acts reduce lifespan by 24 years!

Life Site News:
Studies have shown that years of smoking shortens the lifespan of the smoker from 1 to 7 years. Recent analysis of the age of death in Norway and Denmark for gays who are legally married suggests that engaging in homosexual behavior reduces lifespan by 24 years!

So reported Drs. Paul and Kirk Cameron at the annual convention of the Eastern Psychological Association on March 23.

“What justification is there for condemning smoking and endorsing homosexuality?” asked Dr. Paul Cameron, of the Family Research Institute, a Colorado-based think tank. “Today, all across the Western world, school children are being taught the acceptability of homosexuality and the wrongness of smoking.

According to the Cameron research, married gays and lesbians lived 24 fewer years than their conventionally married counterparts.

In Denmark, the country with the longest history of gay marriage, for 1990-2002, married heterosexual men died at a median age of 74yrs., while the 561 partnered gays died at an average age of 51.

In Norway, married heterosexual men died at an average age of 77 and the 31 gays at 52 yrs. In Denmark, married women died at an average age of 78 yrs. compared to 56 yrs. for the 91 lesbians. In Norway, women married to men died at an average age of 81. v. 56 for the 6 lesbians.

“The consistency of reduced lifespan for those engaging in homosexuality is significant,” said Dr. Cameron. “The same pattern of early death turned up whether we looked at obituaries in the U.S. or deaths in marriage. Given the greatly reduced lifespan for homosexuals, school children should be strongly and consistently warned about the dangers of homosexuality even more so than smoking. Those school districts which are introducing pro-gay curricula need to rethink their priorities.”

Paul Cameron, Ph.D. & Kirk Cameron, Ph.D., presented “Federal Distortion of The Homosexual Footprint.” Paul Cameron, a reviewer for the British Medical Journal, the Canadian Medical Association Journal, and the Postgraduate Medical Journal, has published over 40 scientific articles on homosexuality. The EPA, is the oldest regional Psychological Association in the United States. At its Philadelphia convention members presented the latest advances in scientific work to colleagues.

And yet social liberals and atheists will say that homosexuality is natural, despite homosexuals having a 24 year shorter lifespan than normal heterosexuals.

Homosexuality is abnormal, immoral, unscientific, unhealthy, diseased, and unnatural.

This only confirms what the apostle Paul said about homosexuality in Romans 1:26-27.

Romans 1:26-27 (KJV) – “For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: 27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.”

Homosexuality is unnatural, and studies like this prove that.

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Feminism Is Psychologically Unhealthy For Women

Studies have shown that stay-at-home mothers are the happiest, contrary to what feminism says. Stay at home mothers are more likely to think their lives are worthwhile than women who go to work according to a study of national happiness. Stay at home mothers tend to not suffer from boredom, frustration, or feelings of worthlessness.

Feminism is psychologically unhealthy for women.

The Daily Mail:
Stay-at-home mothers are more likely to think their lives are worthwhile than women who go to work, a study of national happiness suggests.

They tend not to suffer from boredom, frustration or feelings of worthlessness, according to the research on Britain’s wellbeing.

Full-time mothers gave the value of their lives a score of eight out of ten, compared to 7.8 for people in work.

Data also revealed that married people are significantly more contented than cohabitees and much happier than single or divorced people.

The findings will add further pressure on the Government to change the treatment of married couples where only one partner works. Couples with a full-time mother pay higher taxes in Britain than in almost every other western country and lose out badly in the benefits system, particularly over tax credits.

And the Coalition’s drive to get more mothers to work has produced even more disadvantages. Under a new policy, parents will be given up to £1,200 a year for each child under the age of five to help with the cost of childcare – but only if both parents are in work.

Yesterday’s report from the Office for National Statistics on personal well-being, ordered by David Cameron, looked at the happiness of people who are economically inactive – the class into which full-time mothers fall.

While those who stay at home scored the worth of their lives higher than those who go to work, scores for happiness, life satisfaction and anxiety levels were broadly the same.

Feminism ruins women, both socially and psychologically.

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