Revelations 18:5 - For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities
The Jesuit order is wrongfully called the "Society of Jesus," nothing could be further from the truth. The Jesuits don't follow the teachings of Jesus, they follow the doctrine of the pagan Roman Catholic Church.
Sex perversion (pedophilia, homosexuality, fornication etc.) and child-abuse is rampant among the Jesuit order.
There are so many news stories of Jesuit priests sexually abuse children, sometimes many priests in one diocese or state, and the most wicked part is instead of punishing these wicked priests, the Jesuits keep covering up these pervert priests.
If the Jesuits were truly the society of Jesus, they would hand these wicked pedophile priests over to the police. Instead, they will list the pedo-priests and move them to another diocese or church.
These wicked pedophile Jesuit priests may not be prosecuted now, but they will burn in the lake of fire for all eternity, so justice will come eventually.
Psalms 9:17 - The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.